About Me

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Wife * Mama * Preschool & Music Teacher * Daughter of God * My Toughest Critic * Lucky Friend * Recovering Diet Coke-aholic * Pinterest Fiend * Scrapbooker * Penny Pincher and Coupon Clipper * Dreamer * Army Mom * Adoptive and Birth Mama * Blessed Mother of 7 Beautiful Sons and 1 Daughter, 65 Foster Kidlets, and 22 Exchange Students * Wife of a Prince


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Big Changes are Coming....

There are so many things happening in our life right now that I don't even know where to begin.  Are we adopting?  When is that process going to speed up or slow down?  Are we moving?  Are we staying?  So many decisions to juggle, to pray about, and in some cases, jump off the cliff with a LEAP of faith!

So, to keep it short...here are the TOP 5 areas where BIG CHANGES ARE COMING....

  1. Our LOCALE....