I recently read a blog by the wonderful, beautiful, and oh so faithful Lorraine at All Are Precious In His Sight. For those of you who do not know Lorraine, you really need to pop over to her blog and read how God is working in her life and in the lives of pretty much every one that Lorraine touches. She is one amazing woman of God and I am so grateful that I stumbled upon her blog a few months ago.
Nearly 5 years ago, Ben and I felt called to adopt through the foster care system. We met a young man through a social worker that advocated for him while we were fostering other children. We had him over a few times for respite and because he was a teenager, his adoption team allowed him to choose us to be his forever family. A lot has happened in that five years -- the death of another child, the birth of a special needs baby, lost jobs, lost businesses, and three moves. But the one thing that remained strong was our family
20 Valentines Day Gift Ideas & Homemade Cards
1 month ago
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