About Me

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Wife * Mama * Preschool & Music Teacher * Daughter of God * My Toughest Critic * Lucky Friend * Recovering Diet Coke-aholic * Pinterest Fiend * Scrapbooker * Penny Pincher and Coupon Clipper * Dreamer * Army Mom * Adoptive and Birth Mama * Blessed Mother of 7 Beautiful Sons and 1 Daughter, 65 Foster Kidlets, and 22 Exchange Students * Wife of a Prince


Friday, September 21, 2012

What is the process for adoption?

Working through the adoption process often feels like this....Hurry up, wait, need more information, more paperwork, hurry up, wait.....It's a long process and it can be frustrating.  BUT IT IS WORTH EVERY MINUTE OF FRUSTRATION!!!  I can't wait to have the kids come home for a weekend visit.  

I believe in forever families and it makes me so very sad that I can't help every single child in foster care find the forever family of their dreams -- a family that won't change next week, next month, next year;  a family that comes to sports games;  a family that stands by them even when things get yucky;  a family that

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Hitchin'

From Romeo and Juliet to the story of Adam and Eve, love stories are everywhere.  I love them -- several of my favorite movies are about two people who love each other so deeply that they withstand trials, tribulations, and time to end of together.  It has taken me a while to process that my parents fell in love at the wrong time in the wrong place.  But this weekend, I watched their love story have a truly happy ending -- at the right time and the right place.  

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Who's up for a challenge?

Do you ever look on Pinterest at the photos of these beautifully organized homes filled with projects the owner has completed....not a sock to be seen, no "junk" piles, and not a flaw to be found (well, atleast that's what I see but I digress...)  I hate having OCD....It is this tiny inner voice that obsesses over small details.  It makes me great at my job, but not so much as a wife and mother.  (It tends to lead to nagging....mhmmm)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Oooohhh...I love it! I've been a bit crafty this weekend :)

I have what some would call a Pinterest-problem.  But, I have good boundary skills and don't go there every day.  If I did, my husband would be in a lot of trouble because there are so many wonderfully talented people who post wonderfully creative and helpful things on Pinterest.  The real genius is if I could find away to blog about all of my Pinterest projects and make money doing it....now that would be genius.  Just sayin'

This weekend I did manage to get a few things done that I have been wanting to do for a very, very long time.  Think years....Yeah for me!!   

Big Daddy is very excited for this project....you can just see it in his face!

Even with a BROKEN finger, he still helps out.  LOVE
Uggg...can you just see that ugly blank space. 
Ah....LOVE these beautiful boys :)

The finished product

Vinyl letters

Showing Big Daddy how much I appreciate him

AND, there's more.  One of my goals as a mom is to be more proactive in telling my children what I appreciate and love about them.  I tend to get sucked in to nag, nag, nag mode and I hate it.  So this week, I did something about it and made some very cute and fun ways to tell them how much I love them more often.  Here they are...

Each boy has their own hanging outside of their bedroom.  

These hang underneath the bulletin board I hung for each boy for their art, special recognitions and such.  

The hallway

SUPER simple to make -- I printed the template off on white paper.  Framed it in a cheap $3 frame from Wal-mart, and wrote on them with a dry erase marker so that I can change it daily.  (that's my goal atleast).  It also helps improve literacy skills for the two little people in the house.  

OOOOO.....ahhhhhh......Ohhhhh...is what I heard from the boys when they saw them.  Now, to remember to write on them often -- I'm filling their love buckets and helping them see all of the great things I see every day but forget to tell them about.